Beatles, of the famous music group, were influenced by concepts of yoga and
meditation. To hold your mind still is not an easy task. The mind
wanders where it will go. If you are a student and are listening to a lecture, the
wanderings of the mind could be academically costly. But often, the wandering
mind finds connections between the old and new information, leading to
discoveries. A wandering mind sometimes finds rich fields for creativity in its
reveries. And if you cannot allow your
mind to ponder on the tasks ahead in your office while travelling in busy city
streets, you will become totally stressed out by the noise and unproductive in
your work. Can you imagine a childhood without daydreams?
execution of most mechanical tasks is usually handed over to the lower parts of
the brain, releasing the higher parts that control thoughts to wander. So this ability must reside
somewhere in the forebrain. Scientists use different methods to investigate
this phenomenon. Using the now famous fMRI technique, scientists had found that
the brain just above and between the eyes (medial frontal) and just where your
hair starts receding first (dorsolateral prefrontal), there are activities
related to daydreaming. But it remained a correlation. There was no clear evidence of causation of day dreaming by prefrontal cortex.
I find a paper which uses a low voltage electric current – not the alternating
one that supplies your house, but a direct current – on nearly 50 volunteers.
Entry point of the current is on the rise on your left hairline, under which lie the
dorsolateral frontal cortex of the brain, The cathode or exit point for the current
is above the right eye. The current is passed for 20 minutes. The volunteers are supposed to press a
key every time they see any number other than 3 flashed on a monitor. And they
have to do this for 40 minutes.
a boring task! Designed to create opportunities for thoughts unrelated to the
task emerging in one’s mind! And indeed,
the mind wandering reported by the volunteers increased. They repeated the
experiment with sham stimulation, and with the entry point of the current is
the back of the head, above, what scientists call, occipital lobe. But these had no effect on the tendency to day dream. For details see PNAS vol. 112 no. 11, pages 3314–3319, March 17, 2015
then, this is really a neat trick to start my mind from wandering. But what
about it in case I want to stop my mind from wandering, like Beatles? Is plugging
the holes where the rain gets in the only way? Will, in the near future, such
trans-cranial stimulation with low voltage direct current, be a boon to
students who are forced to attend boring lectures?
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