Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Current Science, December 10th

Here is the link to the pdf file of the column that invites readers to three key papers in the 10th December issue of Current Science:

This one page pdf is equivalent to three postings - as per the earlier standard of this blog.

I went to Bangalore to meet the editorial board members. They had organised a series of talks by the members of the editorial board.
I've not sat through lectures even in my student days. Never had the patience. It was faster to read and understand. So I used to spend more time in the library than in lecture halls. But this was different. I sat through all of them. A fantastic series of talks for one and a half days!

And thus I had a chance to meet a classmate, a senior and a Professor from my JNU days. More than 25 years have passed since I met them. But it felt like it was only yesterday. I guess we all looked slightly older.

Then there was a short meeting of the editorial board.

It looks as if my goal of changing the look and feel of the journal may soon be realised.