Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Biodegradable electronics

The build-up of electronic wastes, quite often toxic to humans and other life forms, has prompted scientists to search for biodegradable electronics. Recently scientists have reported a biodegradable and biocompatible battery, made from melanin, the pigment in our skins.
Melanins are found in many organisms - including plants. They are polymers composed of different types of aromatic compounds. And they make good anodes for aqueous Sodium ion batteries. Such batteries will perhaps be useful for chronic implants such as pacemakers, neurostimulators, and cochlear implants.
For more details see the current issue of the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences. 
PNAS vol. 110 no. 52, 2091220917 (2013)

I am back

Our science radio broadcast on Vidyavani has taken off. Science news is only one of the components of the magazine. Since the magazine is now broadcast in two slots of 15 minutes each, the demand for science news had slowed down. I was grateful for the change since it meant that I could focus on editing the documentation of the INSPIRE programme of the DST. And the fourth December workshop on Science Video Production in IISER Pune.
Now, all the pieces that I had written earlier have gone on air - with some modifications, of course - reading science on a blog like this is so different from listening to science on radio.
Anyway - I am back with more of the latest from Science. And it looks like I should be more regular in the postings.Read on.